Photo madness

Decided that seeing as I’m a bit time poor at present I would just give you a picture bomb to summarise where things are at…


A face on the wall - Back wall of the kitchen

A face on the wall – Back wall of the kitchen

Batman photobomb - inside our ensuite bathroom

Batman photobomb – inside our ensuite bathroom

Ceiling gib up in the lounge with gas fire in-situ

Ceiling gib up in the lounge with gas fire in-situ

Batman photobomb

First gib on the wall in the 4th bedroom

First gib on the wall in the 4th bedroom

Hall way gibbed

Hall way gibbed

Our first cavity slider sitting ready to install

Our first cavity slider sitting ready to install

garage gib almost completed

garage gib almost completed

house building breakfast...  was very very yummy might I add.  :)

house building breakfast… was very very yummy might I add. :)

more garage gib - laundry and storage cupboards

more garage gib – laundry and storage cupboards

shower rose set up options - love our plumbers who drew this and then emailed it to me for me to decide.  How thoughtful it that! :)  Go Advanced Plumbing :)

shower rose set up options – love our plumbers who drew this and then emailed it to me for me to decide. How thoughtful it that! :) Go Advanced Plumbing :)

I’m alive!!

Sorry everyone for the lack of postings.  It’s all been it bit nuts here.  However great progress has been made since I last updated you all.

I’ll try and give you the quick bullet point run down:

Blockies came back and were all but finished last week but for the final blocks under the window sills.  The ones that were going to be used (200mm) didn’t look right as against the other 400mm ones so our builder made the decision to send them back and so we’ve had to wait for new 400 mm sill blocks to be made in Auckland and then sent down.   Not good for the global carbon footprint but what can you do.

I then had another early surprise whilst still in my pj’s last week when the stone mason/ Hard as Rockz guy turned up at just after 7am!!!  So he got the benefit of a long chat with a pj clad owner whilst we discussed about using the same material on the internal surround for the wood fire.   And seeing as there is less than 1 degree of separation in this town, it turns out that we had met before when he was working for another company.   Here’s a pic of his finished work and the finished block work…

block work complete at the front

block work complete at the front

The finished chimney for the gas fire

The finished chimney for the gas fire


Then exciting stuff had also been happening inside – pink batts were being shoved in all places and then this enormous pile of 6 m lengths of gib board arrived!!!  Check this pile out…

notice the dog sneaking in the photo again!

notice the dog sneaking in the photo again!

Will post separately on the progress of the gib but lets just also say that we have also done our best impression of a moat over the last few weeks.  I have suggested to the builder that he gets some spouting on quick smart as that Murphy dude will ensure that the moment the spouting is connected to our water tanks then  we’ll enter NZ’s earliest summer drought!

Stay tuned for the next instalment of Gib – hahahahaha – get it – instalment  – ahahahahahahaha