I’ve found them!!!

I think the blockies might have read my blog and got scared – really scared.  I might be short but i’m really strong and quite scary – just as the man in my house.  (He says he’s terrified of me  – not) hahaha.

Right – so after a slow start to the week things have got a little crazy out in trailer park land.  When I left for work yesterday there were vehicles and people (blokes) everywhere.  So far  (apart from me) I haven’t seen any workers on site of the female species.   They must be a very rare, some might say endangered, breed.   But the good thing is that Hamish one of our builders keeps leaving his tool belt behind at night for me to put on and muck around with.  Actually – once he knows I’ve been wearing his tool belt and playing with the hammers and measuring tape I suspect it will go back under lock and key.  I’m planning to smuggle in some pink tools for him just in case the whole process of working with blokes day in day out is supressing his inner girlie side. ;)  Poor guys – I actually think that they must drive up on to the site in the morning and go “Damn – she’s still here!!”   Because I usually also always have questions – “When is this happening?  , “What is this for?”,   “Where are the blockies”?

So here’s where we are up to with the blocks as at yesterday:    (they have a half way inspection tomorrow morning then the race will be on to get to the top) :)

 Block work  - yay

Block work – yay

blocks and more blocks half way up


But then wait – there’s more!!

I got home on Friday last week to find this:

i love pink

i love pink

so snuggly

so snuggly

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