The case of the missing blockies…

You would think that living with a former policeman and having a father as a policeman and a large group of  friends with who are either in the job or retired from it would mean that I would have been able to sort this problem out – but no.

The elusive blockies were supposed to start about 2 1/2 weeks ago  however apart from a half day covert appearance one day this week they haven’t been seen since.    There are supposed to be 5 or 6 of them so you might assume that they’d be fairly easy to locate and frighten into getting their blockie butts down to our place pronto, but seeing as I haven’t actually met them yet, this has proved somewhat problematic.  I did contemplate stalking various building sites in the greater Hawkes Bay area to see if I could find some that might fit the extremely vague description and stuff them all into my car and drive them out there.  However, apparently this is an activity that can invoke too much attention from others and then lead me to have to “call a friend” from a little room with a locked door.

So again – here comes that patience virtue again.  Thankfully I have been at Mum & Dad’s all this week (not thankfully for them i’m sure) due to having no water because of the excessive rain. (That doesn’t seem to make sense really does it??)  No water because of too much rain  you say?  What is she on about?  (However those avid readers amongst you will recall that because we are still drawing from the river, every time we have a big rain that floods the river the pump silts up and has to be turned off until the water level drops again).

I’m told (but not getting excited just in case) that the blockies will be back next week – they bloody better be, and then we’ll be underway again.  Once they are half way up the wall there will be a mid-point inspection and then they’ll race to the top so that the insulation guys can get started.  It’s all rather exciting because once the insulation goes in we’ll get a huge change in the way the internal space feels again and how the light plays out because there’ll be no more walking through walls.  Think this might take a bit of adjustment for Kia who currently walks through all the walls as if they didn’t exist.


On another front, the electrical and plumbing internal work is basically complete.  There are so many wires going everywhere it looks as if we are going to be lit up like the flight deck of the Starship Enterprise.  However I don’t think we have gone overboard although there was quite a bit of excitement amongst all the boys on site (including mine) at the suggestion for some more LED strip lighting to give it some wow!   80’s disco anyone?? lol

Anyway – had better get some work done as we need to pay for all this new fancy lighting.   Here’s some pic’s of the evidence we have had blockies for at least part of a day…

blocks sitting waiting

blocks sitting waiting

the blocks have started

the blocks have started

and some more blocks...

and some more blocks…


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