And then it rained – and rained and then was sunny for a little bit just to tease me, – and then it rained again!!!! ARRGGHGHHHH (sigh).
Ok. So it started raining on Saturday night and then all of Sunday and then Monday, then Tuesday bit fine, then more rain Wednesday and fine again yesterday. Crikey.
Here’s a picture after the first lot of rain on Sunday…
anyway – the mud and the new water features kept the builders away on Monday as they really couldn’t do a lot and can’t do much more inside until the exterior cladding it almost completed. – more of that patience thing required by me.
Because our roof is a mono-pitch with the slope to the back, all the rain just rain off the roof and into the area at the back of the house (which of course is the bit that gets the least sun as it’s more sheltered and south facing)… Haven’t got a picture of the pool out there but I think you will all be able to easily visualise that. Just a shame that we haven’t got the spouting on as all of that precious precipitation could have been filling our water tanks! Damn. You all know that once the spouting goes on, we’ll have a lengthy dry spell that will continue through the remainder of winter and on to summer.
Anyway – another post shortly on the tale of the missing blockies.
On the upside, our lovely neighbours who own the farm in front and to the left of us have started their build now too which is very exciting. We have been swapping ideas, stories and comparing samples for months now so it’s great that they are finally underway.
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