Polystyrene floor…

morning everyone.   I managed to get out to the section just in time last night to snap a couple of quick shots of the results of the busy worker bees from yesterday. :)  Very exciting.

I’m told that we might have a floor pour happening on Monday – weather dependant.  Or maybe they are going to surprise me and do it today!!!!  Now that WOULD be exciting!!

It will be good once the concrete is down because then my trek to the toilet “room” won’t involve a cross country course with obstacles.  Although in saying that, Brett and I have entered for the Tough Guy Tough Girl challenge in Hastings in a few weeks and the course sounds similar so maybe I shall just call it ‘additional training’  and then I’ll be even faster than him again!! ;)

However last night I was left wondering if the section really wanted me there when I realised that the water was still not on  (it was almost dark at this point – 6:00pm) and then the bbq wouldn’t light so I could cook my tea.   But we got there eventually (with the bbq – not the water – that still wasn’t working) and I got myself fed which is the most important thing as a hungry Kirstin is an ugly Kirstin as some others in my immediate family will no doubt rush to confirm.  The ongoing saga with the water supply relates to the fact that we are using the river draw which is to be our secondary supply once the house is built.  However, without a roof and a pump I can’t get any water into or from our water tanks so don’t have any other option but to use the river water.   But our lovely friends Vicki and Tony  in Havelock came to the rescue and allowed me to slide through their shower after training this morning and even gave me my very own set of keys to their house!!   How lovely is that!! :))

Righto everyone, time to get back to the grindstone that is my desk.  It appears that I have done virtually no work in the last 3 weeks judging by my time recording so before I get sacked and then really do end up living forever in a trailer park I had better get on.

Poly floorPoly floor 2


Well I’m rather embarrassed to admit that my ability to upload photos has now been cured by someone a little more senior in years than myself (or the 10 year old I was thinking I would have to find to show me how).  Thanks to the Woodworm for his knowledge, advice and tongue-in-cheek comments by email today on what I needed to do.  Still – at least it’s fixed :)   Thanks Tony C. ;)   So – now watch out everyone – there are going to be pictures galore – provided of course that I can get back out to the section before it gets dark each night which is becoming increasingly difficult with the onset of the colder months.    And don’t suggest I can take them in the morning either, as I leave the section at 6:00am Mon, Wed and Friday to go to training in Havelock so unless you all want pictures of inky looking shapes then my lesson in patience is going to have to extend to you all. ;)

Anyway – here’s some pictures from last week’s action… :)    Enjoy. :)


And we have the technology...

And we have the technology…

The view from where the outdoor shower will be...roughly... :)

The view from where the outdoor shower will be…roughly… :)

But where's my room Dad????

But where’s my room Dad????