
That got your attention didn’t it ;)

I need thermal underwear – lots of it.   It was – 4.5 degrees here this morning.  Thankfully I am a resourceful little trailer park inhabitant.  I grabbed one of the dog towels and spread it across my car windscreen and then put some of the remaining polystyrene on top!  :)  So the broken leftovers of poly are in fact useful.   The builders must have known that if they left a couple of small bits behind that I’d find a use for them.  Tonight is forecast to be another cold one (3 days in a row!!) so I’ve got the tea pot sitting on my knee and i’m almost attached to the oil column heater .    And I’ve found my winter PJ’s so no more weird combinations of tights and bedsocks for me.

However on the downside, tonight i have been reminded again about why things that will do in town won’t do out here.  The frost has split the hose connection splitter so when it’s turned on (so i can shower, wash dishes etc etc)  there is water squirting out everywhere by the partially built retaining wall.   So what this means is that we have to buy the brass fittings for everything outside, as plastic simply won’t cut it out here in the wilderness.


Ok. off to find another layer and work out whether I go back into town tonight for running water (aka a shower)  and an inside toilet or tomorrow morning.


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