Sorry for thelack of picutres in this post everyone but apparntly my camera on mysuper smart samgsung makes the files too big and i am yet to find a way to shrink them. ( Some technology is just a bit beyond me.)
So, we had the digger on Wednesday last week doing it’s clever thing and the site srape was all finished that day. Thursday heralded the arrival of the rib raft floor crew (who i am yet to meet) and by the time we got out there on Friday afternoon they had over halof the exterior floor layout boxed up!! I’m not good on spacial perceptionin a two dimensional sense so loking at the boxing area mad me think we hadnt’ allowed enough room! Despite the fact that the whole house is 277sqm! I guess i’m just going to have to wait until the framing goes up and the roof goes on (not that i can actually then change anything at that point!).
So Brett and i spent about 2 hours on Friday afternoon with a measuring tape and some long pieces of boxing timber marking out the rooms and trying to work out whether the concept that had been in our heads had fully translated through. We also had to try and understand where the kitchen dimensions were so that we can properly place the centre island bench as the plumbers arrive on Tuesday to start their thing and they won’t want me moving stuff I’m sure. (That would be the 101 of how to test a good friendship with Mr Watkins and his crew. Lol)
Sadly the front dooe entranceway seems horribly narrow and the scullery (situated right next to it) ridiculously large! Brett very nicely keeps reminding me that I had insisted that i didn’t want a pokey scullery and that it needed to be big. hmmm.
So after a very long wait we’re off at a million niles an hour and now thetime pressure is on.
The glazing joinery and kitchen fit out are the next things on the list that need to be finalised.
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